Cultivating Happiness: Gratitude and Social Connection
Gratitude has been shown to improve happiness in multiple realms of life and offers both physical and mental health benefits. Practicing this skill can contribute to feelings of satisfaction and positivity within yourself, your family, and build connections with the greater community.

News Media Flooding: Staying Informed, Not Overwhelmed
As the pandemic persists, there is always new information for us to absorb in our newsfeeds There is a fine line between helpful and unhelpful media consumption, and the uncertainty of the situation leaves many of us eagerly grabbing our phones for updates. Try these tips to avoid sinking into the trenches of negativity when reading the news.

Finding Your Quarantine Niche: Maintaining a Work from Home Routine
With nearly two months of quarantine under our belts—and the likelihood of several more—people everywhere are suddenly facing a new set of challenges. Take time to self-reflect, and focus on these six key factors to help yourself feel in control during Covid-19

Filling the Six Foot Space: The Social Ties that Keep us Connected
With the onset of Quarantine, we’ve had to adapt to a different routine with a host of new responsibilities, all on top of the day jobs we held prior. Rather than drift apart, we can instead use this time as an opportunity to strengthen social bonds.