How to Find a Good Therapist: Questions to Ask

How to Find a Good Therapist: Questions to Ask

With so many different types of therapies and providers to choose from, finding the right fit can feel daunting. Discover the power of finding the right therapist for you and your child’s journey. Learn essential questions to ask when searching for a therapist for your child, and make informed decisions to enhance your healing process.

Teletherapy vs In-Person Therapy: Finding Mental Health Treatment that Works for You

Teletherapy vs In-Person Therapy: Finding Mental Health Treatment that Works for You

There are benefits to both virtual and in-person therapy, and studies indicate that both can be effective methods for the delivery of CBT and DBT for youth and adults. There are a number of nuanced factors that one might consider when deciding between teletherapy or in-person treatment.

Staying the Course: Steering Clear of Holiday Anxiety

Staying the Course: Steering Clear of Holiday Anxiety

When it comes to managing your child’s anxiety around the holidays, it’s important to remember that communication is key. Maintain an open dialogue with your child about how they are feeling and check in with them regularly. Use these strategies to help prepare them for the change in routine and prime them for the back to school transition.

From Surviving to Thriving: Tips for a Successful Start to the School Year

From Surviving to Thriving: Tips for a Successful Start to the School Year

The transition from summer to school is notoriously challenging for children and families. This year, in addition to getting up early and learning a new schedule, children must also get used to being around more people in the school building and practice a host of safety protocols. Check out these tips to prepare you and your student for the year ahead.

Understanding Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Understanding Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by difficulties with social communication and restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. While each child with autism presents differently, there are hallmark symptoms and features, as well as a common process for treatment and proper diagnosis.